
Showing posts from May, 2019

Sin Agua

Sin Agua is Spanish for "without water". Coincidentally, that was also name of my high school alma mater, Sinagua High School.  Sin Agua is a great way to describe the week Wife and I just had in Old Mining Town. One of the drawbacks to owning an older home is the need to have to pay for repairs or replacement of things that are either worn out or were neglected and never dealt with by the previous owner(s). On the upside, having these major repairs/replacements done demonstrates what kind of neighbors a person has.  On Sunday, I was watering our outdoor plants most of the day, but turned off the water before the sun went down. Later in the evening, probably around 8:30-8:45, Wife said she heard water running and asked if I was still watering outside. I stated that I was not, so we ran around to all the toilets, sinks, faucets, and other modern water using apparatuses to determine if any were leaking...they were not. Then Wife asked if our (old) house has a water main shu