The COVID Chronicles #26: Quarantine (Is Not Quite Over)

We are still holding at 39 cases in our county. 14 are still active cases while 25 have been released from isolation. The age group with most number of cases has been 20-44 years and not surprising, given the demographics of the county, the highest number of cases has been in the hispanic or latino community. Still no reported deaths from COVID-19 in our county.

For the state of Arizona, we are currently at at 8,640 cases, with 276 new cases being reported yesterday. There are 362 reported deaths in our state as of this morning.

This family has kept me entertained through all this....

The first thing Wife told me this morning was a friend of ours who lives in the northern part of the state, in a place I will refer to as "Red Rock City", had told her the stay at home order for AZ had been canceled. I looked up Google News and told her that was poppycock, aka "fake news", but that 2 county sheriffs were refusing to enforce the stay at home order. I just question what kind of message that sends to people when their own elected sheriff won't enforce an order from the governor. Either they don't have the resources to enforce it or their defiance stems from some western ideology of individualism and distrust of central governmental authority.

"Jarhead" Trailer. I was watching this movie yesterday morning on Netflix and all Wife could understand was all the F-bombs that are said in the movie. 

My sleep last night was very deep with a very vivd dream that last most of the night. I've been having very deep sleep lately, perhaps the fault of depression caused by this social isolation. In our Zoom call, my father commented briefly that he felt my demeanor had changed and that I was no longer the light-hearted and affable person I used to be. Well, this time sucks and I'm not going to be happy. I'm going to be cynical. My patience with wife is also much shorter. On Saturday afternoon, when we went out to do an hour's worth of yard work, I got very upset that she didn't bring out the entire box of yard bags. I would say the stress is definitely starting to get to me.

All for this morning.


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