Making a Run for the Border

I haven't been to Mexico for probably ~15 years. The last time I was there was part of a family trip to Rocky Point that included a conglomeration of family members from age 92 to something like 8 or 9. We convoyed down there is RV's and made camp next to an open-air bar. It was spring break and I don't remember getting much sleep. Prior to that trip, we used to visit the border town of Nogales whenever we visited my aunt & uncle in Sonoita, AZ and that usually included lunch, purchasing vanilla extract, and enduring the heckling and cat calls of the shop keepers.

Yesterday, Wife and I along with our friend and her son visited the nearby border town of Aqua Prieta, known locally as "AP" and located just over the border from Douglas, AZ. I had expected it to be reminiscent of my trips to Nogales as a kid with lots of Americans walking around open air shops, cat calling sales people, and the ability to barter or haggle on prices of merchandise. I have to say it did not meet my expectations and we ended up just walking around a huge circle because our friend's son was experiencing asthma problems and wanted to back to the car. I also realized that the Apple maps on my new iPhone were not as good as Google Maps and I couldn't find any of the places my co-workers had recommended that we try for lunch. So we walked back across the border and headed to El Burron in Douglas. 

Wife and I plan to go back to AP soon and do some exploring on our own.

All for today. 


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