The Job

In my last post I didn't talk much about my job and in this post, I probably won't either, despite the title. 

My employer is arguably one of the largest employers in the entire county and working for my employer is highly desirable and considered prestigious by members of the community. I make this argument because during my first 2 months in the position, I was living in an extended stay hotel during the week and commuting the ~45 miles from Sierra Vista to the campus just outside of Douglas, AZ. On my way out the door one morning, a man was leaving with his kids and he noticed my ID badge. Upon seeing it, he remarked that he had attempted to find a job with my employer and was sad that he didn't because it meant that he and his family had to move out of the area. Our conversation didn't go beyond that as both of us had other duties we needed to attend to that morning. But that conversation really impressed upon me the reputation that my employer within the community of Sierra Vista and throughout the county. 

About 85% of my job involves meeting with students or potential students regarding a plethora of matters including but not limited to adding/dropping classes, career exploration, graduation checks, and providing general information. There are busy registration periods where I do nothing all day but help students decipher the many class offerings and narrow down their choices to a few choice classes that fit into whatever schedule they have and apply toward whatever degree they might be seeking. The other 15% of my job entails teaching or preparing to teach a class on academic success, which if you know my academic history, is something I'm better at preaching than practicing. This is part of the job that I am beginning to really enjoy because it allows me to connect with students in a different way. I see many of my students from last semester around campus and they cheerfully shout my name, shake my hand, or give me a fist bump. One student is particularly fond of "The Dab" and seems to perform it as some sort of salute when he sees me around campus, "Hey Mr. Pitt! ~dabs~" or in celebration of some accomplishment or achievement. Most recently he "dabbed" after successfully placing the tail on a camel using beer goggles, an event sponsored by the Student Government Association on Wednesday. 

There is a lot more I'd like to say in this post, but I think I'm going to end it here. The things I want write about will have to wait until a later post. 


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