House Cleaning

Wife and I are not messy or dirty people, but cleaning house beyond simply tidying up and putting things away where they belong is not one of our highest priorities. To be honest, the laminate wood flooring doesn't usually get mopped unless we're going to have company and then Wife decides it's time to clean as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Will & Kate) are coming to visit and I help out by vacuuming the carpet and the laminate wood flooring or tile.

When we first married and were living in our 1st apartment in Japan, we tried to clean every Saturday morning. There was only 1 problem with that and that is I'm a morning person who can function well early in the morning but she is not and it was usually close to 12pm before we finished with our cleaning chores and by then 1/2 of the day was gone.

Such was the case on Friday night when I informed Wife that we would be expecting company the next day around 10:45am. I vacuumed and she mopped and while I was vacuuming, she was "tidying up" by putting stuff away that laying around impeding my ability to vacuum thoroughly, at least in her eyes.

After we finished our cleaning, I suggested, perhaps prematurely, that we make Friday nights our cleaning nights. See, Bisbee doesn't have too much of a night life and spending 1.5-2 hours cleaning would be a productive use of our time. Naturally, wife pointed that it was "your idea", thus hinting she agreed with my suggestion and that our Friday nights would be spent cleaning up our little house for the foreseeable future. Should I have kept my mouth shut? Perhaps....

All for today....


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