The Shooting Range

I have discovered that many people own guns here in Bisbee and they enjoy shooting those guns for target practice. On any given day, I can hear gun fire from an old Army range on the other side of some hills not far from our house. Some days the gun fire is so constant, one could argue that the Mexican army is attempting to invade and take back land they sold as part of the Gadsen Purchase

Today my curiosity got the better of me so after Wife and I came back from ACE Homecenter to buy some paint (more about my thoughts on blissful domesticity in a future post), I drove over to find this range. Thankfully I was guided by the sounds of gun fire and found it fairly easily. 

The range isn't much of a range in the conventional sense. It resembles more of the out-of-the-way gravel pits around Flagstaff where the locals go to shoot their guns off. There are shot gun and bullet casings spread all of the ground combined with various household items that had been used for target practice (including a few mattresses). According to the gentleman shooting there this morning, the city of Bisbee frequently uses juvenile delinquents sentenced to community service to come and clean up the range. There must be a lot of well-behaved youths in Bisbee because it looked like it had not been cleaned up in a long time (or else there are many avid shooters and they can't keep up with it?). 

Otherwise, I guess I'll have to try my hand at making my own target stand so I can go out there and practice in preparation for hunting seasons. Bear anyone? 



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