2018: Day 2

Today was 1st day back after winter break. I drank too much coffee and felt jittery today. I should not drink 3 large cups of coffee on an empty stomach after not drinking coffee for 4-5 days. 

Wife has told me that her cousin wants to come to the U.S. for my sister's U.S. wedding party and she asked about us paying all or part of his ticket; estimated at $900 right now. 

Very warm today. People in other states are jealous of AZ winter weather

Boss approved leave for jury summons on 1/11. Will have to use different leave type if selected. 

Mom, Dad, Digger, and Digger 2 still traveling today. Probably made it to Demming, NM. We stayed there last year on way back from CO. Not a very exciting place. No alcohol served in restaurants. No margaritas in a Mexican restaurant. 

Christmas decorations are still up. Not when they're coming down. Probably should complete 1 task each night. 


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