Happy New Year

Today is the 1st day of the year and I have resolved to write a little about each day this year with the intention of having 365 new entries on this blog in one year. 

Today, Wife & I spent the day together at home. We have been sick with the flu since the 27th of December, with wife being more worse off than I, so we took another day to recover  even though both of us are feeling much better. 

We called my dad today to wish him happy new year and happy birthday. He is with mom, Erin, and Geni in Colorado visiting mom's family. 

I called my aunt Mary Lou today too and talked with her for about 40 minutes. She thanked us for sending her a christmas gift which was a thermometer that also measures the humidity in the air. 

I called my cousin Vanessa, but she did not answer, so I left her a message, but she did not call me back. 

I also called my sister Erin and her husband Geni and talked about a trip to Phoenix we are planning on taking together January 27th & 28th. 

Wife made "mochi", a traditional Japanese new year food. We at the mochi with soba noodles. 

Otherwise, we spent the day watching shows on our phones, computer, or iPad. I watched the 4th quarter of the Citrus Bowl on the streaming website USTVNOW.com. It was between LSU & Notre Dame. Notre Dame won 21-17. 

Tomorrow I have to go back to work after 2 weeks off. I will work 8a-6pm T, W, & R this week and M,T,W,R next week. I will also work 9a-1pm on Saturday the 13th, which one of 2 saturdays we work each year.

All for today. 


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