It did not take me very long to break my resolution of posting daily, if not weekly on this blog. A lot of that had to do with a major contributor to some stress I was experiencing at that time, was lifted and I no longer needed a way to get out of my head.

Here's what's been going on since my last post:

1. I had my annual physical on 2/14/18 & my doctor told me I had very high cholesterol. She put on a diet of no fat, no carbs, and no sugars and told me to get 5 hours of exercise each week. I have heeded her advice (for the most part) and I've lost close to 25lbs since the end of February with the help of my wife, who is a great cook and very strict when it comes to allowing me to eat sweets and carbs. I also purchased a used, gym-quality indoor spin bike and have been using that ~4 hours per week. My weekly goal is 60 "miles" and while I don't get that every week, I often get close. Typically, 3 of those days are hard workouts & one day is a more relaxing, less intense "ride". I post all of my rides on the Strava app. I've been taking pictures of my "transformation" on my phone. Unfortunately, and I don't know why this is, whenever I plug my iPhone into my iMac, the pictures are never able to be downloaded, so I can't share them on this blog.

2. My sister, The Digger, and her husband, The Digger 2.0, have decided to move back to Albania this June. She's unhappy with her charter school teaching position and he's been unable to find a job in the U.S. of A.

3. Wife is mad at the medical system/service in the U.S. of A. and I'm bit ticked off too, but that's a whole other post, likely to come later when everything has been resolved.

4. A co-worker of mine, with whom I've worked very closely the last 2 years, will be leaving after this week to take a new job in Dallas, TX. I'm very sad that he's leaving, but his departure does mean I'll get to attend a STRONG Certification class in San Diego in July since he'd been the one chosen to go.

All for today. Enjoy your Sunday!


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