Wife and I had different kind of weekend than we usually have...

On Saturday, we were invited to participate in a french game called "petanque" with a group of people who gather each Saturday (and some times Sunday too) to play this game in a small park in old town. Wife knows one of the members from her ceramics classes. During the game, there were several times when I would give my team a/the point, only to have Wife knock my ball out of its place, giving her team the point.

After the game finished, we were invited to a group dinner at a house owned by one of the members that will be a rental house for her.

Then yesterday, Wife was invited to play again in the same location while I had to sit through a board meeting for our church. Afterward, we were invited to a different member's house for the evening to have another potluck dinner & watch the lunar eclipse last night. We came back around 10:30pm, while the eclipse was on full display, but before moon returned to its normal view. The effect that the eclipse had on the mood was it looked more three-dimensional in the sky, but it also blocked the light, which made more stars & constellations visible. It was unfortunate that lights from Douglas & Agua Prieta, Mexico affect the night sky viewing by washing out the stars closer to the horizon.

Today we ran several errands in Sierra Vista, including looking at new/used cars. I had to take our 2001 Yukon in for service and since it's nearing 200K miles, we're thinking about what we would like to get to replace it. So while we were waiting, I took Wife with me to look at the used vehicles. We looked at a used, 2018 Toyota 4Runner with 25K miles on it (former fleet vehicle), but I didn't like the sales person who helped us. He just seemed slimy and tried to hard sell me on the car, even though we didn't even test drive it. He even had me meet the sales manager before I left. Not a good experience and I felt like he was pushing me for my business. I wanted to tell that he would earn my business by respecting my wishes, but that's car salesmen for you I guess. We ran several errands in the city of Sierra Vista, before getting home at about 4:30pm, having left at 9:15 this morning.

All for today. Check back in a few days for more updates....


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