Marriage & Boundaries

I was asked yesterday by a co-worker how long I had been married. My initial response was "too long!" 

My answer was not intended to imply that marriage or being married is a grind (because it is), but something had happened the night before that while humorous, is an example of how personal boundaries often get eroded over time in a marriage. 

I had gone to sleep, but woke up soon after b/c I needed to urinate (because of all the water I had drank before going to bed not because I have an enlarged prostate). Wife was either still awake or got up nearly immediately after me to for the same reason. 

While I was standing in front of the toilet urinating, with the sound of a stream of urine dropping into the toilet bowl as my only guide with which to aim because my eyes were half-open and my brain still half asleep, behind me I hear her remark, "More?! More?! MORE?!"  in reference to how long it was taking me to empty my bladder. 

I have come to the realization that I can no longer due the simple process of emptying my bladder without a running commentary from Wife...


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