Crisis Week

Oh what a week it has been (and it's not over yet). Already we have experienced 3 minor, yet inconvenient crises this week.

Sunday, March 24th: I was sitting in the front living room of our modest abode & had been hearing a rather disturbing sound. Thinking it may have been an injured cat, I finally went outside to investigate. To my surprise, I determined that the noises were coming from inside the crawl space of our house and the unmistakable odor of skunk was wafting in the air. Our neighbor informed that it was the mating season for skunks and showed some entry points with which the skunks were likely getting under our house. Though not over powering inside the house, it was still very noticeable & Wife burned some incense to counteract it. I am now trying to trap said skunk(s) and prevent them using the crawl space of my house as a love nest....

Wednesday, March 27th: Before leaving for work, I realized that a black, faux leather notebook with zipper in which I kept our checkbook(s) was missing because it was not in my car, my house, or my bag. The last time I remembered having it was the night before when we had gone grocery shopping and then indulged ourselves in the weekly tradition known as "Taco Tuesday". I feared I had I left in the child seat of the shopping cart the prior evening, so I frantically hurried back over the store to see if it had been turned into the lost & found. I was not and it could not be located by checking the child seats of the carts lined up in front of the store. So after I arrived to work 15 minutes late, I needed to contact my bank so as to cancel the close to 30 checks on our combined 2 accounts to as prevent anyone from attempting to write checks our accounts can't cash. 

Today, March 28th: I got up early this morning (before 6am) to begin to wash the mountain of dishes that remained unwashed from the previous two days. After completing this task as much as could before running out of space to dry the dishes, I peeked over and saw that the clocks on our microwave & gas range were blank. The electrical socket outlets for our rice cooker, coffee maker, and hot water pot were also non-functioning. I placed a call to a local electrician that came highly recommended by Google Reviews. The time was 6:30am and I felt bad about waking him up, but I had only expected to leave a message. He arrived at about 9:30am and after some trouble - shooting, determined that it was a GFI breaker outlet (whatever the hell that is) had gone bad. He replaced the GFI outlet with a standard one and charged me $100 for his work. He also recommended some very expensive updates to my electrical system for which are probably not prepared. 

Update: 4/1/201: Just a note to update this posting. Nearly immediately after posting this entry last week, Wife called me to say that someone had returned my zippable notebook with all of our checks & everything else that was in it. I called the gentleman who returned it to us to thank him graciously for his action. During the call he explained he had received it from a woman in Naco, Sonora, which is just over the border. My belief is that she used the cart immediately after us and, ignorant of the fact there was a Lost & Found in the Safeway store, took it home with her. The gentleman who returned the notebook is an American, but works for a car repair business on the other side of the fence. Apparently this woman approached him, asked if the items in it were "still good", to which he responded that he would try and return the items to proper owner. Wife and I are thankful there are still good people in this world. 


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