Wellness Day

I took a wellness day today. I had my annual check-up (with blood labs drawn) and then Wife and I went to Sierra Vista for our annual eye exams. 

We then went to Staples & Fry's, ending our time with a late lunch at the Golden Corral buffet. I hate getting my exam done b/c my eyes are always dilated and this dilation always lasts a lot longer than it should. 

When my eyes are dilated, I can't read anything small & close-up and I need to wear sunglasses all the time. So here we both were, in Staples & Fry's, walking around the store in sunglasses. I'm sure I looked a bit strange and attracted the attention of the security cameras. 

In Fry's I had to ask an old lady to read a sea salt label to see if a coarse or fine. She couldn't find it, but we both shook it and said, "it sounds like fine..."

My eyes are fine now, but I'm sleepy. Until next post...


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