1st Post in A Month...

It is hard to believe that my last post was exactly 1 month ago. We've had some more trouble with our house since then that required 2 visits from a plumber. The drain for our kitchen sink, which is also the drain for the dishwasher & washing machines was severely plugged up. It was so plugged up that water was backing up into our bathtub (which we never use btw...). The first visit cost me $150 for the service call where he ascertained that the pitch of the drain pipes was too flat as well as the connecter to the main sewer drain was insufficiently narrow, causing a back-up clog. I concede the clog was partly due to my increase in cast iron cooking and the dumping of oil down the kitchen drain. Long story short, for nearly $300 in total charges, our drains are working again. 

It's only the end of April, but it already feels like summer would back in my hometown of Flagstaff. Old Mining Town doesn't have the stifling heat that Tucson or Phoenix do, but an air conditioner is a necessity. 

All for Today...


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