COVID Chronicles #4

Yesterday was day #4 of working remotely from home. I took a walk during lunch and then Wife and I took a walk after I was done working for the day; 4:30-5pm. We had left over butternut squash soup for dinner. Wife added some coconut milk and curry powder on the suggestion of a cousin of mine in Oregon. It did enhance the flavor and even added a little bit of spice. We agreed it was a good suggestion.

We have shifted our main meal to the lunch meal and Wife wants to keep track of she makes each day for lunch. After this is all over, it's going to be hard giving up a hot, home cooked meal for lunch!

3/26- Seafood Curry Rice
3/27 -  Seafood Curry Rice (leftovers)
3/30 - Spaghetti w/ tomato sauce
3/31 - Corn Omlette Rice w/ spinach and tomato sauce

All for today!


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