COVID Chronicles #5

It's been about 10 days since my last post.

Apologies to those who may be reading this. I have not kept up with documenting our meals. They have gotten less glamorous and more simple.

Here are some stories that have happened since my last post:

Sneaking out to Burger King
Last Wednesday night, April 1st, while wife was having her school choir practice via zoom, I said was going "out on patrol", which is her code word for driving around aimlessly with no real purpose. While this was my intent, I let my stressful eating habits resume and my first stop was the local Burger King drive-thru. I ate 2 spicy chicken sandwiches and a double cheeseburger in the car while driving around our small town "on patrol". Unfortunately, I paid for my deception the next day by having one of the worse cases of fast-food diarrhea I've ever had and Wife found out about my deception thanks to some Facebook Messenger messages between a co-worker and I (who loves fast food) that populated on our iPad, which was out in the living room and out of curiosity she read them.
Proof Of Washing Hands
The other day I came to lunch or dinner, I can't remember which one, and I washed my hands in the kitchen sink prior to sitting down to eat in attempt to appease Wife and avoid her near-constant reminders to wash hands, even though I had not left the house nor come into to contact with any outside of the house. This apparently upset Wife because in the sink in which I had washed my hands, was a glass Pyrex food storage container that she was rinsing before finishing the meal prep. The fact that soapy water had been left in the to be rinsed in-sink item upset Wife, who pointed out that I could've (and should've) washed my hands in the bathroom that is attached to my home office and as she was scolding me for my apparent lack of consideration, I was looking at a wall away from her, unable to stifle my laughter.

Over protests of "o-kashi kunai" which means "it's not funny" in Japanese, I offered my rebuttal and real reason for amusement of the situation. In my rebuttal I pointed out that even if I had washed my hands in the bathroom, she would have questioned the integrity and veracity of my response and would have required me to wash my hands in the kitchen sink anyway and explained that my washing of hands in the kitchen was to provide proof to her that I had washed my hands. Her response to my rebuttal was, "yeah, you can't beat me".

 The New Office Chair

Given that fact that I am now working from home, I thought it now might be a good time to finally purchase a new and more comfortable office chair. The chair we had been using for nearly the last 4 years was an old, brown pipe chair our family had inherited when my dad needed to clean out his aunt's trailer park home in the early 1990's. So, on Wednesday (I don't know what is about Wednesdays), after I was done working for the day, I took for the Staples in Sierra Vista (about 30 miles away). I won't bore you with the details of how many chairs I sat in, but I came home with a new "gaming" chair and a protective plastic format so as not to ruin our carpet. Naturally, this makes sitting in front of the computer for 8hrs/day much more bearable and hence the reason I am spending my Saturday morning typing such a long blog post. 

I think we're going to be able to do some yard work after lunch today if the weather gets warmer. 

All for today....


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