The COVID Chronicles #10: Date Night Suggestion Quickly Shot Down!

After working yesterday, I worked out for about an hour. I did a series of circuits that involved shoulder presses, dumb bell squats, push-ups, lunges, sit ups, and crunches. The "weight" I used was a 1-gallon jug of water that formerly contained vinegar. 1-gall of water weighs ~8lbs, so it's not a heavy weight, but when you are shoulder pressing it for 20x per set, muscle fatigue is a real thing. I did muscle training for about 30 minutes and then 30 minutes on my spin bike. The time on the spin bike was not high intensity as its purpose is for fat-burning, which requires a lower intensity workout. 

Wife didn't want to cook dinner last night. I can't say that I blame her. I think both of us are experiencing what I'm calling "cooking fatigue", which means we're running out of fresh ideas for meals. Since drive-thru restaurants are still open, I suggested we drive into the Sierra Vista and get some drive thru Mexican food at a local place that I like, then eat our dinner at the park. Kind of like a picnic. A romantic gesture to say the least. That idea was quickly shot down out of worry and concern that someone at the restaurant may be positive and not know it. My dinner ended being left over thanksgiving turkey bits that had cooked off the carcass and stored in the freezer for the past 6 months. I heated them up in the microwave and then ate them over a bowl of rice with butter and soy sauce. Delicious!

All for this morning!


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