The COVID Chronicles #18

April 25, 2020: Yard Work

 This is our composting bed. We bury all of food cuttings, egg shells, and other organic material in it over the course of the year. I turned it over in February and turned it over again yesterday morning, then added manure and peat moss in the afternoon. This picture was taken this morning. 

2 years ago, Wife planted a patch of green onions in the compost bed. Last year, I dug them all out and re-planted them in rows, but because the weeds & grasses took over the bed last September while we were visiting Wife's family in Japan, we weren't able to harvest them. 

When I turned the soil over back in February, these grew voluntarily without planting. We pulled them out and Wife is going to use them in some way. 

This is an iris plant that was growing in our back yard when we moved in. It was just 2 leaves sticking out of the ground and now 3 years later, with water and love, it has grown into this. 

All for today...


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