The COVID Chronicles #19

I'm taking the day off from work today. I need to use 8 hours of personal leave before June 30th or else I would lose the time. I asked my director if what would be best so as not to inconvenience the department and was told to take it before registration opens on Friday. So I'm not working today. I guess that means more deferred yard work will be completed whenever Wife and I get up and get going this morning.

April 26th

Wife and I worked on the front yard yesterday. We cleaned up the area between our and our neighbor's house to the north of us. Wife cleaned out all these weeds and I did my best to trim a tree that grows between our properties. 

I trimmed a pyracantha plant that grows in front of our front porch. We're not sure who planted it, but it wasn't us and it's a pain because it grows fast and has thorns. I've trimmed it back every year we've lived here and it still grows back to its old size every spring. Fun fact, a pyracantha plant is also known as "fire thorns" in Greek and that is an appropriate name for it. 

Wife re-potted all of her houseplants yesterday with new potting soil. She does this about once every year to put new soil in the pots. I helped her how I could, but it was more of an excuse to play with the water hose.

We had a Zoom chat with my parents & sister & brother in-law. My parents live about an hour away, but my sister and brother in-law live in Virginia. Everyone is healthy doing well. Wife spoke with her dad in Japan last night for about an hour. He just returned home from the hospital, which is not COVID related. Their prefecture in Japan is the only one without a confirmed case, but Wife is skeptical of this reporting and thinks it's a face-saving gesture by the Japanese government. 

Here are some national news headlines this morning: 
  1. The Food Supply Chain is Breaking: Tyson, a major meat processor in the U.S. is closing a processing plant in Waterloo, Iowa. I guess we're going to have eat more vegetables and become vegetarians or vegans. We may come out healthier after the pandemic and eat less meat. 
  2.  2 Million Chickens Will Be Humanely Killed. This is a bummer because I like chicken.

All for this morning. 


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