The COVID Chronicles #20

I'm not feeling well this morning. For whatever reason, my allergies decided to act up last night as I was finishing rinsing out my hair for the second time. The resurgence of my allergies, which Wife attributed to eating more than our normal sugar intake yesterday but I think was caused by the stirring up of grass and dirt yesterday afternoon using a weed whacker, caused me to have very disrupted sleep. I don't think it was sugar, I think it was a combination of the nap I took yesterday coupled with the dust from using the weed whacker.

I couldn't fall asleep until 11pm and I needed a melatonin pill to do so (1st time I have needed one in weeks). I took an Allegra this morning at 5am and slept until ~7am.

Wife didn't sleep well either last night, which she also attributed to eating more than our regular intake of sugar.

Yesterday was pretty mundane. Wife and I did more work on our front yard, which included trimming dead branches from one of the cedar juniper trees in our front yard.

I took a nap after lunch while wife planted vegetables in flower pots to eventually transplant to our vegetable garden.

I made seafood pizza using some homemade pizza dough given to us by our neighbor.

Our Roku came yesterday, so Wife and I are now able to watch streaming shows on our TV. This is the first time is over 5 years we've had some kind of TV services in our house connected to our TV. Wife will probably be watching Japanese dramas all day in addition to whatever other projects she works on today.

All for this morning.


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