The COVID Chronicles #21

I took this photo of our county website's COVID-19 Information page yesterday. As you can see, more than half of the confirmed cases in the county have recovered. 

Yesterday was a hard day for Wife and I. Neither of us had slept well the night before and a couple of times when I got up from my desk for a break, Wife was asleep in one of the living room chairs where she sits when she's working on making masks.

I did not eat much yesterday.

  • Wife made a breakfast bowl of rice, spinach, and left over korean beef called "marble". 
  • Lunch was hot & spicy rice noodles with assorted vegetables in a green curry paste sauce & fruit. I didn't each much of the rice noodle dish because I was still full from breakfast and thought it too spicy
  • I ate the remainder of my rice noodle dish for dinner (cold) and it was much less spicy. I also ate a banana and a small bowl of apple sauce. 
I did not work out yesterday afternoon after work. I did not feel like I had the energy. Instead, I moved my butt from my office chair to a living room chair, and watched the released episodes of the "The Last Dance", which is a documentary series on the 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls basketball team. 

Both of us were sacked out in bed by 8:30 or 9pm and I slept in this morning until about 6:40a. 

All for this morning. 


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