The COVID Chronicles #6: Easter Sunday

It is Easter Sunday here in the U.S. and due to the Stay at Home orders of our governor, we are unable to gather together this morning.

A cousin of mine, who lives in Ohio and who is married to a UMC pastor, hosted a live viewing party of her congregation's Easter Sunday Service and I was able to watch her husband preach on the topic. My parent's congregation in Patagonia has been broadcasting recorded worship services over a local radio station for the past couple of weeks. I will probably tune into that at 10 as well.

My overall general feeling today is that I don't wanna to do anything, I don't wanna call anybody, and I don't wanna do anything. I simply want to sit in my office and be on computer. I currently have the 2004 National Championship game cued up on YouTube. I didn't get a chance to watch it when it was originally played because I was living in Japan at the time. Today might be a good day to catch up on some history. Perhaps I'm feeling a bit of depression today. I don't think Wife and I have a lot of ambition to do much today....

Evening Update:
We did not do very much today. Wife watched Japanese TV programs on a DLibrary website and I watched BCS national championship games I missed while I was living abroad in Japan. We ate our Easter dinner around 4:30pm. I made dinner of a roasted pork loin, mashed potatoes, and baby spinach leaves.

Not much else. Heading to bed now.

All for today...


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