The COVID Chronicles #25: Let us Feast & Worship the Lord!

Today is Sunday and I realize that Wife and I have not been to a church a service since March 15th. I would like to share some videos of my favorite hymns with you this morning:

1. The Summons

2. Come and Find The Quiet Center

3. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

I can't believe this is my 25th post of The COVID Chronicles. I hope whomever is reading this blog is enjoying them. 

Yesterday was a lazy kind of day for most of the day. 

Wife read on a Japanese news site that the price of meat was going to double in the United States due to COVID-19 because meat processing plants were going to or had already shut down and she wanted to make sure we had enough meat frozen and stored away that we would not run short, so we went to our local Safeway and purchased a whole chicken (which I roasted yesterday), some pork chops, & chicken breasts to store in our freezer. I need to package up the chicken and ground beef this morning, so I need to make this post pretty short...

After lunch, we spent the after being lazy until going out to do some more work on our backyard.  Wife monopolized the programming on Roku by watching Japanese dramas. I was on my computer/phone/tablet watching YouTube videos. I took a nap from 2-3pm, which made it difficult to fall asleep last night, so I ended up sleeping 1a-9a. I also had some kind of allergic reaction to something made it difficult to breath (not COVID-related) which was probably dust until I drank some water early this morning, so I slept fitfully too. 

I think we're nearing the end of culinary creativity. Wife does not like to have the same thing to eat to close together, but I'm at the point where I would be fine with macaroni and cheese, if we had any slices of American cheese. I've also very close to making a large batch of cookies so we can have some sweet snacks. 

All for this morning. Have a great Sunday. 


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