The COVID Chronicles #27

I didn't get a chance to post this morning because I ended up sleeping until 7:30a and even then it was difficult to get my  butt out of bed so I guess I'll be doing 2 days in one post. 

Yesterday, our governor announced that beginning May 8th, Arizonans can once again get a haircut at a hair salon and on May 11th, we can once again dine-out in a restaurant without having to wait for staff to bring us our food from outside the restaurant. 

Personally, I think I may come back to work looking like the guys on The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 1 when they return from their summer at the north pole. Personally, I feel so much healthier after 5 weeks of eating nothing but home-cooked meals and Wife and I have enough food stockpiled that we could probably last another month in lockdown quarantine and not miss very much in the way of food, except for maybe a bi-weekly indulgent run to BK when our culinary creativity meter is on empty. We have reduced so much of our food intake to make sure our food lasted longer to a point where we're not eating very much at all. 

Wife doesn't really want to go anywhere and that includes our eye doctor appointment scheduled for Thursday. It was rescheduled and honestly, I didn't think it was going to happen, but they called today to remind us. I guess I'll either call and cancel tomorrow, or just no-show, which I think would give me more satisfaction. This way I can feel what it likes to simply not go to an appointment. I bet they won't see that coming!

The last two days I have done the workout from this app I downloaded. I did chest yesterday and arms today. tomorrow I'll do shoulders and back and then I'll do the abs before going back to legs. I wanna go back to work with some muscles and not as a flabby, girly-man.

Can't think of much else to include today. Hope you have a great night. 


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