The COVID Chronicles #29:

The number of daily confirmed cases continues to increase. Per the AZDHS website, the number of confirmed cases on Monday, May 4th was highest to date at 489 cases. There have been nearly 11,000 confirmed cases in Arizona and the number of confirmed deaths currently standing at 532.

In our county, the number continue to creep slowly upward. There have been 41 confirmed cases. 8 of those cases are still considered active, & 8 cases are still in isolation. 33 people have been released from isolation. No deaths have been reported in our county, which is a relief.

Still, Wife and I are very cautious when we go out. We always wear a mask and sanitize our hands constantly. We keep small bottles of hand sanitizer in each of our cars. This morning we made 2 trips out. I left at just before 8am for a grocery store run and to visit a hardware store and then we went back to the hardware store together to get some potting soil.

I met my "egg dealer" yesterday. He's a co-worker has a small egg-laying operation. I purchased 4 dozen eggs from him for $2.50/dozen. 2 of the dozen were for friends of ours who also eat a lot of eggs.

Here are some news headlines from today:

1.  Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy duo dies of coronavirus

2. Little Richard, a flamboyant architect of rock 'n' roll, is dead at 87

3. Obama says White House response to coronavirus has been 'absolute chaotic disaster'

And now, here's a music video of how I'm feeling right now: 
Stealer's Wheel "Stuck in the Middle With You"


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