The COVID Chronicles #33

Yesterday was a little bit different kind of day for Wife and I. I worked, but for her, she left the house around 10 to meet friends in a park to do some Mulberry picking. After they were done picking, they went to one of the friends for some more women stuff activity, which meant I needed to get lunch. Wife gave me permission to eat and so I headed to BK where I got 2 crispy chicken sandwiches, 2 double cheeseburgers, and a large Dr. Pepper. No fries.

Wife's other main project yesterday was making butter chicken curry, which we ate for dinner. She made it partly as a thank you to the neighbor who gave us 4 rose bushes. He's an older gentleman who lives alone, but always has plenty to say. We seem to have gotten into a bartering system with him as he some times brings us soup and other food, so we return in kind.

Our governor has decided to allow our stay at home order to expire effective tomorrow. No solid plans on how we will begin to return to work, but given that I am the senior counselor and will need to train new staff, I am probably going to be one of the first employees to begin working on campus again. I am sure I will learn more today and tomorrow.

All for this morning.


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