The COVID Chronicles #35

Good Morning! I was very surprised this morning when I checked the stats for the readership of this blog and saw that I had 29 visits already from people in the country of Romania. I hope you're not hackers or anything, but if you are here to read my blog, I would like to welcome you and I hope you find the content that I post entertaining, informative, or a combination of the two. 

Additionally, per the stats, some people are visiting my blog from my friend the Domestic Diva and her "Domestic Diva In Training" blog. Even though she has not posted in over five years, welcome and I hope you are enjoying my content. Domestic Diva and I have known each other since we were children.

Yesterday, Wife and I finally finished preparing one flower bed and connecting it to another bed we built about 2 years ago and have been tweaking and improving ever since. Here are some pictures: 

This is the original bed that we made about 2 years ago now. It has gladiolas and an iris plant in the bed. 

It goes up to a juniper tree that was in the yard when we bought the house 4 years ago. 

We have built a new bed along out neighbor's wire fence. Wife had already planted giant marigold flowers in the bed and we were just putting in the red bricks. 

There is another juniper tree on the other side of the side of the yard, against the fence that separates our property from our southern neighbor's property. Wife's next plan is to create a flowerbed layout identical to this one on the opposite side of the front yard. 

In earlier post, I blogged about some transplanted rose bushes. I don't think they're going to make it. The green color of the branches has faded on more than 1 of them and they have not put out any new shoots. 

All for this morning. 


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