The COVID Chronicles #36: Vegetable Garden Update.

Good evening! Here is a rare weeknight post from me, but seeing as that Wife is down for the count tonight with a headache and has planted herself in front the television watching a Japanese drama, I thought I would draft a post. 

It's getting much more warmer here in Old Mining Town. The predicted high today was 98 degrees. That's 37 degrees Celsius. I don't know if it actually got that warm because I work in another city, we'll call it "Base Town" that is typically a little bit warmer, but I work indoors with A/C that is so strong, I have to sometimes go outside to defrost myself. 

So, I thought I would share some recent pictures from our vegetable garden. 

Over the weekend we planted 12 potatoes in hopes of growing potatoes. This is what they looked like last night. We used the Japanese "cone" method where we put the sprouted potatoes on the dirt and then covered with with an ~12in mound of dirt over it. I was then directed by Wife to watch videos on how to plant potatoes (we do things opposite sometimes) and none of the 3-5 videos demonstrated potato planting this way...
This is a squash plant. We don't know what kind of squash it's going to produce, but my money is on butternut squash since the bed that it is growing in is our compost bed and during the quarantine period, I composted some butternut squash seeds with other cuttings and scraps. They already have blooms on them, so we're hopeful we're going to get some butternut squash this summer. 

All for tonight. 


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