The COVID Chronicles #41:

At this time, there are just over 70,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of Arizona. In my last post last week, there were 47,000 confirmed cases. That means in one week, Arizona's cases increased by 23,000 cases! 

Here's the video of our governor's press conference this week. His name is Doug Ducey, but I refer to him as Doug Douchebag because he is one. He has about as much spine and backbone as a jellyfish. 

The Arizona monsoon season started yesterday. We had intermittent rain throughout the day. The best part of the monsoon season are the sunsets when the sky is full of clouds. This was the sunset last night from our house in Old Mining Town. 

We went to our secret fig tree to pick figs yesterday but there were none that had ripened enough yet to pick. There were plenty on the ground however. 

Our zucchini squash plants are starting to come back and the volunteer butternut squash have started shooting out new leaves, so maybe they will come back too. I've decided to name the plants Lazarus in order of them being dead but coming back to life. Perhaps I will take some photos of our garden today and post them tonight or tomorrow...

That's about all I feel like posting today. Have a good Sunday! 


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