The COVID Chronicles #42

It certainly has been awhile since I last posted and for those of who may read this blog regularly, I certainly do apologize for not keeping up with it. I should be on #60 or something, but hey, life goes on. Keeping up with the increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in our state and county just became too much for me to keep posting about and the craziness and busy-ness of fall registration also took over, which means that on the weekends, I just need a break from sitting in front of a computer, typing out stuff that I do not have any control over. 

So here we are, about one week from my 41st birthday and our county has reported a grand total of 1,798 cases of COVID-19. 191 cases are still considered "active" and in our little zip code, there are currently 1-5 active cases. Certainly not the danger it once was, but still complacency could come back to bite us in the ass if we let it. 

Here's what's been happening in our little corner of the world since my last post on June 28th: 

1. We spent the American Independence Day holiday weekend with my parents who only live about an hour away from us. My sister and her husband drove out from Virginia to spend a week (drove it in 3 days!). We stayed in our parent's tent trailer, which was nice to have our own space, but when we got ready to put it down, only the front posts were retract. It's still sitting in my parent's shop/garage space with the lid up. No word on if/when it will be fixed. On the last day we were there, I shot some family photos and wife wanted to have some fun, so we took this picture of her...

My brother in-law tried to have similar picture done of him, but since he's 6'5", it doesn't quite have the same visual effect as a petite, Asian woman jumping in the air in a running pose....

Honestly, nothing much happened between our last post and this one. Hope you have a great day!


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