The COVID Chronicles #44

 I realize it has been awhile since I last posted about COVID-19 cases and information in our little corner of Arizona. I have been busy doing other things and because cases were tapering off and did not seem as much of a threat. 

With cases spiking, I think blogging again about the pandemic might be a good idea. 

Here are some statistical updates this morning: 

In our state of Arizona, there have been nearly 250,000 reported cases with the number of deaths approaching 6,000. 

In our county, located in the SE corner of the state, we have seen 2,216 cases with 185 of them being active. There has been a small drop in the number of active cases, which currently stands at 185. It was in the 190's earlier this week. The most number of active cases continues to be in the zip code of Douglas, AZ. 

Our church is opening back up again this morning. We have been closed since the middle of March. We're not quite sure how it's all going to. Normally, on the 1st Sunday of each month, we have communion service, but we will not have communion today. There will be other things that will be left out, like our coffee hour lunch (no food sharing) and certain pews will be roped off to ensure "social distancing". 

Our garden sort of went kaput this year. Our zucchini plants grew and produced several zucchini squash, but then they just died. We think their roots may have hit some sterile soil and that's what killed them. Yesterday I dug up dahlia and gladiolas bulbs and thinned out the irises that took a beating because the hail store in June and never really recovered. They are now spread out and I hope will produce some good flowers next week. Many are already putting out new leaf shoots. They will need daily watering for awhile to ensure their roots become established in their places. 

All for today! 


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