The COVID Chronicles #47: Thanksgiving

The number of active cases in our county has now reached 1300, which is the highest number of active cases we have had this year. 

Wife and I may have been exposed this past Sunday night, so we are self-isolating. 

We have an appointment to get tested tomorrow morning. 

Yesterday was American Thanksgiving, so if you read this blog and celebrate the holiday, I hope your was memorable but safe. Wife and I had planned to spend it with my parents over the next county, but with COVID surging now combined with our potential exposure, we begged off the invitation and stayed home. I made a pumpkin pie recipe that I had been wanting to make for some time. It met Wife's approval, though it could have used less sugar. I also roasted potatoes and made a buffalo chicken thing that involved pieces of chicken breast marinated in Japanese sake with salt, pepper, and garlic, coated in corn starch, and cook in a stick of butter in the oven at 450 for 20 minutes, then covered in buffalo sauce. That met Wife's approval as well and was a reasonable substitute since we had not prepped a turkey for cooking. 

Wife made the veggie tray. Here's here creativity coming through and below is a picture of the pumpkin pie that made right after it was taken out of the oven, so it's a bit puffy. It eventually sank back down a bit. 

All for today. Thanks for reading. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend. 


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