The COVID Chronicles #48: COVID Testing

 The numbers of COVID cases have not been updated and remain where they were at the last time I posted, so I won't be updating them today. 

Yesterday, Wife and I were tested for COVID after we realized we may have been exposed one week ago while having dinner with friends who have been in our "quaranteam" this entire time. 

The story goes that I saw the husband walking out of a local supermarket on Wednesday evening as I was going in to pick up something for Wife. He kept his distance, at least 6 feet, and explained that someone with whom they had been working at a local migrant shelter had recently become ill and his wife had felt sick recently with sore throat and diminished sense of smell, so they were going for testing on Saturday. 

After I got home, I called the wife to find out more information on how she was feeling, which was positive and less sick than it originally sounded. I called my parents and canceled our plans to join for the Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, then made arrangements to get a testing appointment. So yesterday morning, we piled into our car and set up for Sierra Vista and the local high school where the testing was taking place. We had an "appointment" for 9:30, but due to the traffic back up and the seemingly disorganized check-in process, we were not tested until close to 11am. Our friends with whom we had dinner on Sunday, were just ahead of us, with 4 cars in between. 

I gotta say that I'm glad I finally got tested. Hopefully it comes back negative.

Today, Wife and I are just relaxing at home, continuing our social isolating. We're skipping church this morning until we know for sure that we're negative. We should know the results in 3-5 days.

All for today. 


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