The COVID (Christmas) Chronicles #54: I Felt Like Chicken Last Night

In my opinion, there is nothing better than a whole roasted chicken. Yesterday, in an attempt to maintain some sanity, I went for a drive in the late afternoon. While I was out, I got the craving for roasted chicken, and this was partly due to the fact that I finished the remains of the roasted duck we had for Christmas dinner. So, while I was out on my drive, I called Wife and asked if she wanted to have roasted chicken for dinner, which was a suggestion that met with a mild level of indifference, given the verbatim response of, "if you want to". 

So, I headed to our local Safeway and picked out a 6.5 pound whole chicken for $1.49/pound. 

For this particular chicken, I wanted to make it spicy, so after painting it with olive oil to crisp up the skin, I covered it in the Weber seasoning known as "Frickin' Chicken". 

I stuffed the cavity with onion eights and quartered some mandarin oranges. I put the chicken in the oven, uncovered for 1 hour & 45 minutes at a preheated temperature of 425 degrees. 

I cooked the chicken until the breast about about 155 degrees, then pulled it out of the oven, then tented it with foil for about 20 minutes while I finished roasting the potatoes. Total cooking time was about 2 hours, likely due to the elevation of Old Mining Town and the fact the chicken, while air chilled, still had some parts with frost in the cavity, which did not have time to properly warm up and come to room temperature. 

Here are some other pictures I took of our little corner of Arizona while out on my drive...

Looking to the east....

Looking to the west...

All for today....


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