The COVID (Christmas) Chronicles #55: New Year's Eve

 Instead of posting in the morning today, I thought an evening post would be more appropriate. It can be so difficult to do morning posts on the events of the previous day, but it can be so much easier to complete evening posts on the events of the day.

My day began around 6:30am, which is about the time I usually get up. During the first week of vacation, I was downing 10mg of melatonin before going to sleep, which caused me to sleep much later, which was nice, but I am not late-sleeper person. I'm an "up with the sun" kind of person. I made the pot of coffee and settled into to checking my social media on my phone and playing the game Township on the app on my phone. About 9:15 I went and woke Wife up. She's a much later sleeper than I. I brought her medication to her and reminded that we had agreed to go do some shopping at "10-ish" which IMO is any time between 945a-10:15a. I think we ended up leaving closer to 10:30 or even 10:45. 

Prior to leaving, we watched an episode of a Japanese comedy drama on Netflix called "Midnight Diner" about two people who like to eat corn dogs, but in Japan they are called "American Dog" or ”アメリカンドグ” as it is written in the Katakana writing style (Katakana is used for all borrowed words in Japan). This made wife hungry for corndogs. 

Our shopping consisted of us going to the two dollar stores here in Old Mining Town; Family Dollar & Dollar General, along with a visit to the local the Safeway; the only large grocer in town. We bought a birthday card for my dad whose birthday is tomorrow, a single layer carrot cake as a New Year treat, and some other items that are of little to no consequence for the purposes of this blog. 

After returning, I helped Wife wrap the presents we had purchased for my parents in the upstairs loft area. Wife wraps presents so much better than I do. In fact there is a joke in my family that you can tell which presents were wrapped by me because they're wrapped so terribly. I've gotten better, it's still very distinctive. After wrapping the gifts, Wife and I noticed that box in which were were placing the gifts looked a little sparse, so we went back to Safeway to purchase more items to give to my folks. This time we came back with a box of 12 corndogs, which we ate half of as a snack/late lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent watching "Jurassic Park" on Netflix and working on improving my skill at Japanese cooking. 

All for today. See you all tomorrow! 


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