The COVID Chronicles #49: Have Yourself a Covid-weary Christmas, Let Your Mask Stay On...

 As of this morning, there are 1805 active cases in our county

800 of those cases are in the zip code for Douglas, AZ and 231 of those cases are in the population center of Sierra Vista, which is where I am employed. 

There are 65 active cases in our zip code for Old Mining Town. 

Overall, there have been 4,200 cases in our county with 82 deaths. In the state of Arizona, we are approaching 360,000 cases of COVID-19 with the death toll approaching 7,000 people. 

The debate in our house has recently been if we should attend Christmas dinner with my parents, who live an hour away in the next county. Their numbers are nearly identical to ours and surging just like ours are surging. My sister, who is in a "delicate condition" and brother in-law are planning to fly in from Virginia on 12/16 and so Wife and I are concerned about potentially spreading the virus to them or catching it ourselves, since they are flying through Atlanta, GA. They are taking extra precautions upon arrival, such as asking for their own car to drive back to my parent's house to avoid any possible contamination from their clothes (which I suggested they ceremoniously burn upon arrival). and they are staying long enough that if they are infected, they will become sick before returning home in early January. 

The results of our test one week ago were negative, but of course it's not negative forever. Wife and I are severely limiting or eliminating our social contact with others to limit as much as possible our potential exposure to the virus. We spoke with my father last night by phone and while he's not willing to call off the family Christmas yet, he did acknowledge it could be canceled up until the night before. He noted he has tried to dissuade the other 1/3 of the family from coming or at least driving to limit exposure and I spoke with my brother-in law earlier this week and he expressed concerns about coming as well, but there is a financial commitment that has been made that would not be returned if the trip is canceled. 

I am going to spending today working on finalizing the grades for my online class. I have been very neglectful in keeping up with the grades, but given the fact that I spend all day looking at the computer for my regular job, my enthusiasm and willingness to come home and look at home is also depreciated at the end of the day. I will probably start this little project at noon today and work through the afternoon. 

All for today


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