The COVID (Christmas) Chronicles #51: It's A Duck (Dynasty) Dinner

Yesterday was the Christmas, which if you grew up watching the movie "Home Alone", you would know is, "the season of perpetual hope", which is the line that Kevin McCallister's mother shouts at the gate ticket agent when she's stuck in Scranton, PA on Christmas Eve.

Our family did a stay at home Christmas this year, even though my parents live only a hour away from us. I realized yesterday that it was the first Christmas since 2015 that Wife and I had spent by ourselves since 2015, when we were living in that cess pit known as Bullhead City, AZ, but it felt more like the Christmas we spent together in 2008, when I returned to Japan after my 1st semester of graduate school to spend the holidays in Japan with Wife before she received her visa the following February. 

I prepared the main dish and I cooked a duck for our main dish. Prior to cooking the duck, I spent last week watching YouTube videos of people cooking ducks in order to learn what to do. Here are some of the helpful videos I watched in preparation for cooking my duck:

1. How to BBQ a whole duck on a Weber Kettle Grill

2.  Roasting a Whole Duck - Simple and Delicious

3. Gordon Ramsey - Spiced Christmas Goose 

I took elements from all of these videos to make our duck and this is how it came out: 

Here's a view of the goose from the top. I think I made a mistake with the scoring, I made the lines too close together. I also didn't cut the legs prior to cooking or after 1 hour, so they came out rare, but we didn't eat them yesterday, but we'll eat them today and zap them in the microwave. 

I hope your Christmas dinner was tasty and memorable. Have a great day today. 


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