The COVID Chronicles #52: Winter Break One Week In...

It has been a pretty boring couple of days since my last post. Wife and I have not done much except stay in the house and do our own things. I think this morning was the first day since Christmas Eve I had even taken a shower in the morning and I spend most days in my track pants and sweatshirt. I have been doing most of the cooking since Wife is taking solace and solitude in the bedroom where she feels safe from the pandemic and the myopic attitudes of Americans. 

I can't really blame her because there is not much that needs to be done. I have been encamped on the sofa or chair watching movies I have not yet seen, like "The Silence of the Lambs" or rewatching documentaries like "The Last Dance". I also ordered another Christmas gift from Amazon for my mother as well as something for Wife that she can use to start using our indoor stationary bike (doctor's orders). I have started to use the spin bike once again too, getting in two workout rides on Saturday and Sunday in an effort to get back to working out. I also worked on some New Year's Resolutions, which I will post in due time.

Today I am venturing outside the outside to pay a call on the post office. Yesterday I took an accounting of the Christmas cards and letters we have received this year and will be sending out about eight envelopes with letters today. I am short six stamps, so I will need to go to the post office to purchase stamps and mail all of the letters. Wife and I have never been very good at getting our Christmas cards out any given here and this year with the pandemic has been no exception. 

This winter break has felt very different from ones in the past. Namely because we're not visiting anybody or going anywhere during the day. Days pass by slowly with no real concept of time. I have been going to sleep much later than I usually do, usually 10:30-11pm and obviously waking up later, usually 7:30-8a instead of my standard 5am. This almost certainly not be the case if we had traveled somewhere with family or simply to my parent's home an hour away. 

I do not have any new updates on the number of cases by zip code in our county as that data reporting has been changed. 

Here is the reason given on the county's health services website: 

In order to report the number of active cases by zip code, we must know the number of cases released from isolation. With the recent increase in cases in Cochise County (1,868 between Dec. 1st and Dec. 18th) we are no longer able to keep up with this measure. We urge the public not to base behavior on the number of COVID-19 cases by zip code because people travel through multiple zip codes daily.   We encourage everyone to continue to be diligent about wearing masks properly, washing their hands, and staying a safe distance from others.  Act as if everyone may have the COVID virus everywhere you go whether it is at work, the store or any other gathering place.

All for Today. 


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