The COVID Chronicles #59: The Weekly Digest

 Hello and welcome to the latest addition to the my blog, The COVID Chronicles. The title might not very original, but it says what I want it to say and blogging keeps me sane in this mad, mad time we seem to find ourselves. 

Now that I have returned to work after my winter break, my posts may be less frequent than the daily posts I was writing during the break, but perhaps a weekly digest on Saturday mornings might still be a good outlet. I think that would be better than having to write each day, "today I stared at a computer screen and help college students pick their classes". I do more than just that in a given day, but that's the digest version. 

One of things I did start doing (again) at work this week was walking during my lunch time. I recently discovered that my iPhone has a step-counter feature in the iHealth app and I found that I could some days I can eat my lunch in the half hour before my official break (while still doing work-related tasks), and then use the actual time to walk around a large lawn located on the campus. I set a daily goal of 2,500 steps and reached that each day by doing 4-5 laps around the lawn. Yesterday, my total number of steps was 4,619. After this result, perhaps I should set a goal of 5,000 daily steps, eventually working my way up to the recommended 10,000. 

I was successful in reaching a family member of our deceased neighbor this week. On Monday or Tuesday, while we were picking up his mail, he received a letter from a family member living north of Tucson. I sent them a letter and they called me yesterday to say they received the letter and appreciated me reaching out to them since they had received no communication from the police department, the medical examiner, or even a funeral home. We expect to see them soon. 

The stats feature on my blog tells me there are people in several other countries that read my blog, with Sweden being the most numerous after the United States. If you live outside of the United States and are a regular reader of The COVID Chronicles, then let me assure you that I was just as shocked and angry about the riot at our capitol building as you probably were. This seditious act is the culmination of 4 years of a leader who has lied so blatantly and frequently that some people now can't find the truth with two hands a flashlight. I hope they make an example of the ones that are arrested so these extremist groups will never appeal to try and breach the halls of our democracy again. After watching a video of some of the rioters, my favorite line was from some redneck woman who said, "we're going to go in there and snatch our senator by the hair of her head and drag her out of there!" It really baffles me how some people are so blinded they can't see reality and would rather replace the flag of our country with the flag of their Dear Leader. The lies these people have fed and digested just baffles me and their inability to think critically about things baffles me as well. 

All for today. 


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