The COVID Chronicles #63: The Weekly Digest

 Good Morning and welcome to another edition of the COVID Chronicles. 

I have to admit, this week was rather mundane, but since this blog is about documenting the mundane events of my life along with the exciting, I will document the mundane. 

Monday was a holiday, so it was day off from work. Wife and I didn't do much, except to continue to work on reorganizing our house.

Tuesday was a work day and the first of the two 10-hour days. I left work at 6pm and got home when it was dark. Wednesday was more of the same. 

Thursday was the last day my department was in this large "community" room. We tidied up our "desks" which were nothing more than two, 6-foot white plastic tables pushed together along the long edge with a plastic shield between us and the student. It was also the day we say the biggest drop-off in appointments and student traffic. I think I only had one scheduled appointment the entire day and maybe saw two to three others on a drop-in basis. 

Friday, yesterday, we officially moved back into our offices and repositioned some of them to remain the 6-feet away from the student. So now I have the same plastic shield on my desk, which reflects my appearance and nothing can be more motivating for weight-loss than looking at yourself all day long. 

Today, Wife and I are going to travel into Sierra Vista. Wife wants to purchase some fake leather material from Joanne's fabric store to recover an old folding chair. This chair once belonged to one of dad's aunts, who lived in a trailer park home in Arizona City. In 1990 & 1991, he cleaned out her trailer and kept some of her belongings. The chair was one of them. It's an ugly brown chair, with a brown & orange plaid design, but it has been useful and never thrown away since that time. Wife also wants to purchase a staple gun at The Home Depot, which makes me excited, because it's a new tool. It will also give me opportunity at Christmas time to re-enact the famous scene from "Christmas Vacation" when Clark Griswold is putting the lights on his house and he shoots a piece of gutter ice into his neighbor's window (though that's unlikely to happen here in SE Arizona since it rarely freezes in winter time...). 

All for this morning! 


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