The COVID Chronicles #65: Snow Day!


Winter has come to our SE corner of Arizona and Old Mining Town. It began snowing last night and this is what our street looks like this morning. 

Snow is nothing new to me. I grew up in northern Arizona, at 7,000 feet in elevation, and snow was a regular occurrence, but I am still astounded by its beauty, especially in the mornings.

Growing up, there were varying degrees for snow day schedules. There was a regular schedule which meant we still had to pull our groggy heads out of bed;, a snow day schedule which was a 2 hour delayed start and still caused massive confusion, and a snow day which meant we didn't even have to come to school. 

When my employment began here back in 2016, my director advised me that I was not permitted to call out sick if it snowed. I advised her I grew up in northern Arizona, drove a GMC Yukon, and knew how to drive in snow. It was everyone else I was worried about.  

I have since sold the Yukon for a newer, smaller, more fuel efficient SUV, but the demonstration of that knowledge has yet to be proven because the very presence, even forecast of snow, is enough for the schools, including the college, to close for the day as was evident from a text from my director, to our entire department, letting us know that we did not need to come to work this morning. 

The decision to close the college for one day was in doubt necessitated by the lack of county snow removal equipment (there is one snow plow to keep a tunnel clear) and significant commuting times by some employees (I include myself in that demographic). 

Wife was very happy when I sent out a text to a family thread last night that confirmed I would be staying home today. I'm not sure what we will be doing today, but the likelihood that we will be finishing the chair resurfacing project is very high. 

In addition to my snow day posting above, there is a little anecdote from Sunday that I would like to share. On one of my 3 trips to the local ACE Hardware, I saw numerous people lined up outside of a building with a sign that read, "Green Pharmacy". Now, I have driven by this building many times and never saw a line of people outside of it, so on the my 3rd trip back home, I stopped a man who had come out of the building and was walking back to his car and asked why people were lining up. His response? "Legal weed bro!" 

Apparently, it's the first place in our little town to be licensed to sell legal marijuana... 


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