The COVID Chronicles #66: Parfaits, Roasted Chicken, and Redoing some Metal Chairs...

During the snow day, Wife and I finished refinishing the chairs. This is what they ended up looking like. I'm sorry I don't have a before picture. My job in this project as the "Staple Man". Wife would pull the fabric on the back of the padded board taught, then direct me where to put the staple. It took 3 trips to the local ACE Hardware and 2 trips to the Home Depot store in Sierra Vista to finally finish this project.  

Last night, Wife had some grand plan to make parfaits, because she wanted to eat what she called a "wow food" so instead of making dinner, we went to the local Safeway grocer and $30 poorer (I mean later) we returned home with the following ingredients to make her dream parfaits a reality: 
Safeway Select Java Chip Ice Cream
Whipped Cream (in a can)
A box of orange creamed flavored wafers
"Brookies", which are combination of Brownies with a cookie topping we found in the bakery

Wife started assembling the parfaits in some parfait glasses she had bought several years ago, only to realize that the parfait glasses were too small to contain her grand vision of a parfait. 

Pictured above is the result. It lacked the wafer and the bananas, but we ate the wafers separately. We usually eat bananas, so they won't go to waste.

Tonight, I made this roast chicken, using this recipe by Tasty. As I pulled it out of the oven, a line from the movie, "Julie & Julia" came to mind when I pulled it out of the oven, I wanted to say, "Wife, come see the world's most beautiful chicken", but I didn't because wife was singing a song about her stomach being empty to the tune of the Sunday School staple, "Jesus Loves Me". 

The compliment I received from Wife about this version of roast chicken was, "Mmm! Much better than store bought chicken". It was very juicy, with a very crispy skin. Dry brined with salt & pepper for 8-12 hours, then cook at 450F for 1 hour. I promise you, you'll never roast another chicken any other way again. 

I also roasted potatoes and green beans in the oven, at the same temperature, while the chicken was cooking in the oven....

All for tonight. 



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