The COVID (NEW YEAR) Chronicles #57: A New Year's Deep Cleaning

Let me just put this thought out there: Wife and I are terrible at keeping house! 

In addition to sending out our yearly Christmas cards and doing our Christmas shopping, keeping our house clean is probably the one thing we struggle to keep up with. 

Let me be clear, it is not because we are slobs (but Wife is a bit of a hoarder) and enjoy living in squalor because we both prefer to live in a well-picked up, well organized house. I think it is more of a combination of the following 2 reasons: 

1. My mom, who was a working mother, didn't like to clean house and therefore since she was working, paid to have house cleaning services come every two weeks to clean our house from the time I was little. 

2. Wife's mom was so meticulous in keeping her house clean that Wife knows she cannot duplicate that effort or result that she doesn't even try.

 So, today, Wife and I embarked on deep cleaning effort of our house and will continue tomorrow. Today, I ended up doing 3 loads of laundry, burying our compost in one of the backyard, and cleaning the countertops and oven. Wife did her own cleaning projects/tasks. We also assembled a new plant shelf unit that Wife received for Christmas. 

I was going to write more, but I got interrupted on this post and it is now 8:30pm and I have lost the train of thought. 

All for today. 


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