The COVID (New Year) Chronicles #58: Goals for 2021

 Good afternoon! 

I am sad to report that Wife and I did not continue with our deep cleaning today. I think neither felt much like working today. I postulated that my motivation for cleaning and tidying up yesterday that was in part due to feelings of grief over the passing of our neighbor and friend. Those same feelings today caused a given level of apathy and procrastination that will need to be resolved tomorrow. Wife does not have a stipulation that the work needed to be done today, just that it needs to be done before Friday, January 8th. In fact Wife even said, "I know today is the last day of your vacation so you can relax if you want to..." 

Like many of you, I too make NYR's or New Year Resolutions for the uninitiated. These are yearly goals Americans set and usually by the end of February or March, many Americans have given up on these goals. For country in which obesity is such a problem, weight-loss or fitness is often a NYR for many Americans and the gyms and health clubs are often packed in the first few weeks of the year. This year however, with COVID raging, I don't think that will be a problem, but just like COVID deaths, the obesity rate in America continues to rise despite calls for better nutrition education and a plethora of diet products and books on the market. 

Here my NYR's for 2021:

1. Read the Bible in 1 Year - This is not a normal yearly goal for me, but since a friend of mine on a social media site invited to be part of a group that is doing this, I have some accountability. 3 days into the year and I haven't missed day and I am already finished with the first 9 chapters of the book of Genesis. 

2. Learn to cook Japanese Food - There are two reasons why I made this goal. The first is Wife is always complaining that the only way she can Japanese food is if she makes it. The second is I have had this Recipes of Japanese Cooking cookbook since 2007 and have not cooked a single dish out of it, so I figure it's time I start using it.

I have not made any other formal yearly goals, so I'm going to stop there. If I do add any more, I'll be sure to discuss them at a later date. 

I can't think of anything else we did today that was worth noting. I go back to work starting tomorrow, so my postings may be a bit more sparse than they have been during the winter break. 

All for today....


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