The COVID Chronicles #70: Friday Night Stats

 Welcome back to the COVID Chronicles!

Last weekend, I did not complete the weekly statistical accounting of COVID cases around us, so here it is as of this morning: 

In the State of Arizona, there have been 804,116 cases with 15,421 deaths. There were 1,918 new cases today with 145 new deaths. The total positivity rate is at 14.2%. 

In our county, there have been nearly 11,000 cases and 260 deaths. There were 37 new cases reported today with 2 additional deaths. The overall positivity rate is 12.1%

In our zip code for Old Mining Town, there have been a total of 447 cases. Wife, who has been tracking the increase in cases, has note there has been a signfiicant slowing in the growth of cases in our zip code. The zip code for the border town of Douglas has seen 4,087 cases and the zip code for Sierra Vista has seen 2,326 cases. 

In our neighboring county of Santa Cruz, where my parent's live, there are 7,600 cases, but in their rural zip code in the eastern side of the county there have only been 26 cases. The vast majority of their county's cases have been in the zip code of the border town of Nogales and Rio Rico.

 Our activities this week were quite subdued. On Wednesday, Wife watched the daughter of friends of our so they could get some of their own work done. Today is day 2 of wife trying to quit smoking (again) and we've already had one emotional blow-up. It's clear that the pandemic has taken its toll on her mental health, as it has for so many people. Her primary complaints are that Americans are perpetuating the pandemic by their universal unwillingness for everyone to believe that wearing a mask can help stop the spread. She is definitely missing her own culture of Japan during this hard time.


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