The COVID Chronicles #78: Ceremonial Burning of the Masks

 It has been nearly 2 months since my last posting. In that time, Wife and I have both received our 2nd vaccine shots. Wife had more of a reaction to the 2nd dose than I did & experienced a fever for ~36 hours which forced me to come home early from work and take of her that day. I on the other hand, barely felt a blip. I wen to bed feeling strange & tired, but woke up the next day feeling great and went to work as usual. One of my co-workers who received her 2nd dose the same day I did, was out of the office for 2 days with side effects. But I am fully vaccinated. 

Another recent development is now that the CDC has stated that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks, my employer is no longer mandating masks be worn in public areas. I'm still going to wear a mask when I have students in my office and I will continue to use my plastic shield, but otherwise, I will not have to wear my mask when I'm out in the public areas of the school. Wife feels that it is premature to stop mask wearing and I agree with her, but whenever I can avoid wearing one, I'm going to do so. 

Nothing else to comment on today...


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