The COVID Chronicles #81: Volunteer Potato Harvest & The Backyard Jungle

Wife and I did not plan on growing potatoes in our garden this year, but the area where I buried our compost apparently had some potatoes in it so I left them alone to grow and this was the result! 

These are Yukon Gold potatoes, which you may remember we planted 12 plants last year. A lot of them are small, but that's okay, I plan to eat all of them because potatoes are full of vitamins. 

This is what our backyard looked like this morning before I took the weed whacker to it. The summer monsoon rains are in full swing (and much better than last year) and I had let the back yard kind of get away from me. I'll post an after picture tomorrow after giving the cuttings a day to dry out so I can rake them up and put them in a garbage back. 


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