The COVID Chronicles #82: Backyard Clean-Up Post Photo & Other Saturday activities

Yesterday, I posted a picture of my backyard before weed whacked it and here is the after picture that I just only a few minutes ago this evening. You can see quite a difference. I'm confident I will need to do it again before the end of the monsoon rains. 

As I was taking the the after photo the backyard weed whacking, I saw this thunder cloud forming off to the east. It's quite blurry in the picture above, but here's a better shot of it. I love the monsoon season in Arizona! We get beautiful shots like this one with the western setting sunlight reflected off the cloud. In my opinion, simply stunning 

I did some more yard work today in the front yard; more weed whacking actually. I then went to the Fig Tree to see if any more were ready for picking, but none were ready for picking, so I took a drive through Old Mining Town's historic & touristy part, then to The Town Too Tough to Die, and made a loop back home again. All told, I was gone for the better part of 3 hours on my drive. It was nice to get out of the house. 

I made a dinner of a pork chop, rice, and salad. Then worked out on my spin bike for 50 minutes and did 12.5 virtual miles. 

All for today!


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