Lenten Fast Report Day #2

I realize today is day #3 of my lenten black fast, but this is a report of yesterday. 

Yesterday, I didn't quite make it to sundown before breaking my fast. Actually, I wasn't even close! I made it to my lunch break yesterday at work and then I decided that I needed to eat a chicken caesar wrap and some cookies that were on special. When I came home, I was able to wait long enough for sundown for my meal of a banana, an apple, three dates, and 2 hard boiled eggs. I then proceeded to fall asleep on my sofa at ~8:15pm, wake up an hour later, and head straight to bed. I'm feeling very satiated still so I will attempt another full day fasting. My evening meal might be different because today is when I'm scheduled for my side-job....ride-share driving. 

The side effects of this fast have been interesting so far, particularly because I'm also fasting from my daily coffee. On Wednesday, I fell asleep on the sofa as well, but I woke up yesterday feeling incredibly clear in the head. I did develop a bit of a headache over the course of last night, but it has dissipated I no longer feel any effects. Another interesting bit has been the excrement I passed yesterday. Despite drinking at least 3L of water on Wednesday, it was hard and quite odorous. Almost as if it had been in body for some time and was finally being passed, but after it was passed, I felt incredibly clear and empty. It will be interesting to see if this continues.

All for this morning. 


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