My Wife is Back And I'm Already In Trouble

I have to be honest. I gave up blogging while Wife was away. I was very lonely and stories or comments about my loneliness would have been a running theme in my posts and nobody wants to read about that over and over and over again. I spent most of my non-working time watching a myriad streaming services (Peacock, Paramount Plus, Amazon Prime, Netflix, & YouTube) every day off and visiting the nearby Little Cesar's Take Away store too many times. 

Wife returned from J-Land about 2 weeks ago. She had been gone for nearly one year. In that time, her father passed away and she experienced a case of shingles in her eardrum. Too much has been experienced for me to update & rehash it all today, but perhaps in coming posts, I can touch on the highlights. 

I met her at the airport in Phoenix (WNBA All-Star Weekend) and then took her back to the hotel, a Residence Inn, I had booked for 2 nights. Her first meal back in the United States was at a Cracker Barrel in Mesa. We hardly go to Cracker Barrel, but I thought she might like to have some American comfort food and she was up for it. On the second night she made a salad from a mix we bought at Fry's, which we supplemented with an unremarkable 4 piece box of chicken from KFC. 

In the two weeks she's been back, she's been cleaning pretty steadily and consistently. I'll be honest, I didn't clean much while she away. I just couldn't be bothered to do it and wasn't bothered by having a messy house. She did ask me to clean the shower last week b/c it was pretty gross and needed to be cleaned, so I manned up and cleaned. The shower door is sagging and I spent most of yesterday afternoon and 3 trips to ACE Hardware, trying to fix after watching some YouTube videos on fixing sagging shower doors, but nothing worked. There's one more thing I'm going to look at tomorrow and if that doesn't work, then I'm going to call a handy man to come and fix it. More to come on this saga!

I guess that's all for today and my return to blogging! 


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